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What we are learning this week in 8th grade (9/8 - 9/12)!




The students are learning about India so the Elements of Art will be reviewed through the study of Rangoli, an Indian art form; it is an age old custom passed down from woman to woman with some designs that are over hundreds of years old.  The students will be able to connect what they are learning in art to what they are learning in history.  This lesson also has a math element as they will have to draft a design on graph paper using four quadrants before beginning their final image.  For the purpose of review, the students will not work in the traditional medium (rice or sand) but rather choose a color scheme in order to practice advanced color mixing- Indian art is full of bright colors that are not easily mixed from the primary and secondary colors and offer a challenge to the students.




  • Students will identify what elements of art and characteristics of math are present in Rangoli art.

  • The student will understand advanced color mixing through advanced application.

  • The class will discuss what they recall about each element; using a paper divided into six sections, each student will list the elements while demonstrating his/her knowledge through visuals drawn in each section of the corresponding element.

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